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1989 - 1991 Eidg. dipl. Augenoptiker, SHFA, Olten 1996 - 1997 Master of Science in Clinical Optometry M.Sc.Optom. Pennsylvania College of Optometry, Philadelphia, USA 1999 - 2001 Master of Medical Education (M.M.E.) Faculty of Medicine, University of Bern 2010 – 2015 Doctor of Philosophie in Biomedicine Ph.D. SALUS University, Philadelphia, USA

Working Experience as M.Sc.

1991 - 2003 Optometrist, contact lens specialist and educator- Kontaktlinsenstudio Heinz und Michael Baertschi, Bern2000 - 2007 Optometrist, contact lens specialist, lecturer, Professional Head of the specialty contact Lens department of the University-Eyeclinic Basel, since 2001 Owner of SWICOLECO, Oberwangen, sincet 2002 Optometrist, Contact Lens Specialist and refractive laser surgery assistant VISTA Clinic, Binningen since 2003 Owner Kontaktlinsenstudio Baertschi, Bern since 2005 CEO and Chairman of the Board, Eyeness AG, Bern

Working Experience as eidg. dipl. Augenoptiker

1985 - 1987 Opthalmic optician, Ottica Vicari SA, Lugano 1987 - 1989 Opthalmic optician, Burkhalter und Gerwig, Bern 1989 - 1991 Part time as ophthalmic optician, Kontaktlinsenstudio Heinz Baertschi

Professional Activities

1992 - 2000 Lecturer for biology, pathology and physiology of the human eye, contact lenses and eyeglass technology at the school for ophthalmic opticians in Bern, GIBB, Bern 1995 - 2008 Examiner at the swiss federal examinations leading to Optometrists (Eidg. dipl. Augenoptiker) 1997 - 2005 Chief-Examiner in pathology of the human eye at the swiss federal examinations leading to Optometrists 1997 - 2005 Consultant optometrist for Lensoptic / Lens Consult, Bern 2000 - 2007 Lecturer for optics, eye examinations, eye glass technology and contact lenses at the University Eye Hospital Basel 2006 - 2016 Lecturer and Panel Member of the “The Vision Care Institute” Prague Seit 2008 Adjunct faculty member New England College of Optometry in Boston, USA 2009 - 2016 Technical speaker for National Contact Lens Examiners in Springfield, USA

Research and Development

Professional investigator and/or paid consultant for: - FALCO Kontaktlinsen, Switzerland (since1991)- BOSTON Polymer Technology (1992-2010)- JOHNSON & JOHNSON Medical (since 1995)- ALCON Pharmaceutical Ltd. (since 1995)- LUNELLE SA, Switzerland (1995- 2001)- GALIFA AG, Switzerland (1996-2010)- GELFLEX Laboratories, Australia (2002-2010)- Adventures in Colors/TECHCOLORS Laboratories, USA (since 2007)- TISSOT Medical, Switzerland (since 2013)- COOPER Vision, Germany (since 2017)- HAAG-STREIT AG, Switzerland (since 2018)

Membership in professional associations

Board of Trustees Swiss Academy of Ophthalmology (SAOO) Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry (FAAO) Fellow of the European Academy of Optometry (EAOO) Schweizerischer Berufsverband für Augenoptik und Optometrie (SBAO)Vereinigung deutscher Contactlinsen-Spezialisten und Optometristen (VDCO)

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