Dry eye package
Dry eye package
One of the most important requirements for comfortable contact lens wearing is an optimal tear quality. If this is not the case, it often leads to a so-called “dry eye”.
Dry and burning eyes are extremely unpleasant and are unfortunately a more and more frequent eye condition.
- burning and scratching eyes
- redness
- frequent blinking
- reduced eyesight
- Headaches and in extreme cases double vision.
Typically, these complaints occur after long-term screen or close-up work, television or reading, but also after wind and cold. It can also have a strong influence on the wearing comfort of contact lenses.
Just like the symptoms, the causes of dry eyes are very diverse and should therefore be carefully examined. In recent years, we have also continued our intensive training in this special field. The possible causes are shown in an in-depth examination. With the most modern technology we have the possibility to analyse the quality and quantity of the tear film exactly and to identify the causes. Because only an intact tear film guarantees a comfortable wearing of contact lenses. In addition, meibography can be used to visualize the number of meibom glands and their morphology in the lower and upper eyelids. A disfunction of these meibom glands is the most frequent cause for the clinical picture of the dry eye.
We are happy to show you the appropriate individual forms of relief. Today they go far beyond the simple drop of artificial tears and range from special eyelid care, gentle care products to dietary supplements with omega-3 fatty acids. However, if the cause of the dry eye is of a pathological nature, we will of course refer you to your ophthalmologist.
Artificial tears
Based on the analysis of the tear film, we can provide you with the appropriate eye drops. Whether eye drops with hyaloron or preferably a Lipidspray, we are more than happy to help you.
Eyelid care
If your eyelids are inflamed or if there are clogged meibom glands, the appropriate eyelid care is often helpful. We will be happy to explain to you how you should proceed and which products are required.
nutrition supplements
Omega-3 fatty acids have a positive effect on the meibom glands, which have an important function in stabilising the tear film and therefore protecting our eyes.