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medical contact lenses

The fitting of special lenses is our passion and our great strength. For many years we have enjoyed a worldwide unique reputation.

medical contact lenses

The fitting of special lenses is our passion and our great strength. For many years we have enjoyed a worldwide unique reputation.

There are medical indications for the use of contact lenses. These include specialty contact lenses for optical rehabilitation, cosmetic rehabilitation and therapeutic contact lenses. This often requires all technical efforts. However, this effort is worthwhile if a person can participate on social life again without restrictions. All these cases are co-financed by the compulsory basic health insurance. Further information can be found here as a pdf of the MiGel positions.

In various diseases such as keratoconus and after traumatic injuries, surgical procedures such as corneal transplants or laser operations, extremely irregular corneal surface can occur. In such cases, the visual acuity can only insufficient corrected by eyeglass correction or a soft contact lens, while specialty lenses can be used to restore very high or even complete visual acuity. Every visual rehabilitation is a challenge and requires an attentive, patient and empathetic approach. The irregular shape of the cornea requires special contact lens geometry in each individual case. For example, quadrant-specific geometries, reverse geometries after corneal transplants, hybrid lenses (fusion of hard core and soft supporting skirt). The result in any case is a comfortable contact lens with optimal visual performance.

Therapeutic contact lenses offer the diseased cornea protection against negative external influences, accelerate wound healing and support the stabilization process of the cornea. This is how bandage lenses significantly improve comfort and reduce foreign body sensation and pain. For these medical treatments, we work closely with your ophthalmologist. The chart below gives a brief overview of our options with cases from our practice.

Epidermolysis Bullosa patients (butterfly children) prefer a particularly sensitive and careful hand in the care of their sensitive eyes. The Eyeness team around Dr. Michael Bärtschi has more than twelve years of experience with the fitting of specialized soft and GP bandage contact lenses in EB and has developed a worldwide recognized fitting and care methodology. The patient organisation DEBRA Switzerland has been helping butterfly children and their parents since 1998.

more details

Individually manufactured Irisprint contact lenses offer cosmetic rehabilitation to patients with prosthetic needs. For example, amblyopia, albinism, aniridia, diplopia, sensitivity to light, pupil irregularities, post-injury status and many other anomalies. We work with soft irisprint lenses from Adventures in Colours (USA) and Swisslens (CH), but also scleral lenses from Falco (CH) with irisprint offer great possibilities. These before and after photos impressively illustrate the results that can be achieved.


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